Monday, September 24, 2012

Evolution of Technology in the Classroom Part II

This post is to continue the conversation about uses of technology in the classroom that I started a little over a month ago and, now, have had the chance to offer to my colleagues and students:

The questions related to technology, especially as it relates to education and teaching, should be "WHAT do we want to accomplish?" , not "how do we want to do it?" The former will be the guide for the latter. However, schools often get caught in the mire of buying "cool" new toys that look fun or engaging, without the the guidance of the purpose in mind.

SO, what do we want to accomplish with technology? That is my question for my fellow educators. Of course, I have my own thoughts. It may be easier to start with what we shouldn't be doing:

1. We shouldn't be using technology as a replacement for more reliable technology - for example, using computers to write notes would be a replacement use. The pencil and paper has a much lower fail rate than computers.

2. Technology shouldn't be used to just pacify or to isolate. The grand part of technology is the ability to share ideas and communicate at a quicker and more efficient rate AND with a broader audience.

SO, What would YOU like to accomplish? What would you like your students to be doing?

Here are some links to a school that has been touted as a national model for technology integration. Mooresville (not Indiana), North Carolina has developed a K-12 model for 1:1 and technology curriculum education:

READ: PBS NEWSHOUR - Mooresville, NC
READ: NY Times - Mooresville, NC

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homework Week of 9.17.2012

This week we will be going (QUICKLY) through Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle! We will be doing some activities that focus on what happens to a Carbon Molecule as it travels through the cycle, starting with Carbon Dioxide gas.

Quiz #4 - We will take on Wednesday 9/19  and Thursday 9/20

Complete Homework by Tuesday Night!!!!


READCARBON CYCLE  AND  NITROGEN CYCLE  Make sure to go through the practice exercises after reading.



Describe the role of each of the following in the carbon cycle:
  1. photosynthesis
  2. respiration
  3. diffusion
  4. decomposition
  5. combustion
  6. sedimentation
  7. volcanism
  8. weathering 
Describe the role of each of the following in the nitrogen cycle:
  1. nitrogen fixation
  2. nitrification
  3. uptake
  4. decomposition and excretion
  5. ammonification
  6. denitrification
  7. weathering 
HONORS BIOLOGY (Below is for Honors Biology ONLY)

Be Prepared for your Socratic Seminar on Friday!!  Read Your Article and Answer the Questions!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Homework Week of 9.12.2012

This week we are going to be focusing on how to graphically organize organisms in an ecosystem based on their ecological role (niche) and their feeding level (trophic) level. Our goal will be to understand why their are more producers in an ecosystem, but fewer top-level carnivores. So read about and watch the video on ecological pyramids!

 The plan is (weather permitting) to go on a nature walk this Wednesday and Thursday and exploring the role of microscopic producers and decomposers in the food web.

READ: Trophic Levels

WATCH: Ecological Pyramids

Answer Questions:

1. What is a trophic level?
2. Draw a terrestrial food chain that includes four trophic levels. Identify the trophic level of each organism in the food chain.
3. Explain how energy limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain or web. 
4. How much energy is transferred and lost from one trophic level to the next?
5. What happens to most of the energy at each trophic level?



READ: "Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare: An Ecologist's Perspective" by Paul Colinvaux

Answer Content Questions - 1-10 (Post Answers on Blog Comments - Question and answer) by Thursday, September 19th for 10 points.

Prepare answers to share and discuss from the Application Questions (1&2) and the Discussion Questions (1-4) This will replace your quiz grade for that week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homework Week of 9.4.2012

Homework for the week of 9.4.2012:

We will be focusing on Energy flow this week, studying how energy flows through ecosystems via food chains and food webs. This week, we will want to learn the ecological roles (niches) and how to draw those relationships in a food web. Also, we will be having our 3rd Quiz which will cover everything Ecology, so far.


Watch: Energy Flow

Answer These 5 Questions:
  1. Describe the role of autotrophs.
  2. Is energy recycled?
  3. What is the role of photosynthesis?
  4. What is biomass?
  5. How much energy is lost at each trophic level? 
Remember: Links to Quiz page, online textbook, GPS Facebook, and Blog is found on my homepage!Mr. Gentry's Mad Science Home

Monday, August 27, 2012

Homework for 8.27 & 8.28


1. Define biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. Give an example of each.
2. How do ecologists define the term ecosystem?

3. State the competitive exclusion principle.

4. Compare and contrast the ecosystem concepts of niche and habitat.

HONORS BIOLOGY: Socratic Seminar this Friday over Interdependence - Guiding Questions "How do non-living things shape the living things of an ecosystem?" & "How do the living things shape the non-living things in an ecosystem?" 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Proud Teacher

I wanted to share a story with you about a student of mine who reminded me why I am a teacher and why I am glad it only took being in two jobs before finding a career that I hope to have the privilege of retiring from. I met Brandon 4 years ago at my first teaching assignment at The Fountain Square Academy. Brandon was a smart, quiet child who was not motivated to come to school, often talked about dropping out to get a job so he could support his newborn child and the 15 year old mother. . He should have been a high school drop out, he should have been another statistic, but he wasn’t.  It took a lot of work to convince him should use the talents he was born with and finish high school and he finished near the top of his class and took the ASVAB (getting the highest score possible) and joined the Marine Corp. He is now 19 years old and in his second year as a Marine. Here is the message I received in my email today:

Subject: Brandon Hargrave from Indianapolis, IN just gave to your project


Horray! Brandon Hargrave from Indianapolis, IN just gave to Flip My Class! - Using Technology to Extend the Learning Day and wrote:

"I gave because Mr. Gentry is a fantastic teacher and I rather enjoyed his class when I went to Fountain Square Academy. My favorite project we had the pleasure to take part in was only possible because of this website, and I felt that his new students should have an opportunity to do something as fun as our speaker project."

P.S. If you know the donor, thank your friend on Facebook using the @ symbol. Ex. "Thank you @Brandon Hargrave from Indianapolis, IN for supporting my classroom project!" (?)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Homeostasis Homework for 8/22 and 8/23

We are beginning to explore the meaning of homeostasis and how cells work together to help your body keep you alive. In fact, if you are interested in a career in medicine, you are essentially interested in the study of a body's ability or ,in the case of disease, inability to maintain homeostasis. Your next homework assignment for 8/22 and 8/23 is as follows:


1. (Overview)
2. (Diabetes and Glucose Homeostasis)

Answer these questions and go through the practice exercises:
  1. What is homeostasis?
  2. Describe the reason for shivering.
  3. What is negative feedback?
  4. Why can homeostasis be compared to temperature regulation in a house?
  5. Describe how organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis. 

Important Vocabulary for this concept:

  • endocrine system: Organ system of glands that release hormones into the blood.
  • homeostasis: The process of maintaining a stable environment inside a cell or an entire organism.
  • hormone: a chemical messenger molecule
  • nervous system: Organ system that carries electrical messages throughout the body. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Evolution of Technology in Education

I am going to be writing a series on how to use technology tools in the classroom (with a focus on science, of course)

To wet your appetite, I would like to turn you on to the idea of using QR (Quick Response) codes, usually square looking bar code thingys.  to engage your students and allow them to use their mobile devices/netbooks/ or anything with a webcam to access your content. See the following links to get more information on these devices. 




QR Code Example:

Biochemistry of Cooking

A biochemist and cook explains that cooking is all about chemistry and knowing some facts can help chefs understand why recipes go wrong. Because cooking is essentially a series of chemical reactions, it is helpful to know some basics. For example, plunging asparagus into boiling water causes the cells to pop and result in a brighter green. Longer cooking, however, causes the plant's cell walls to shrink and releases an acid. This turns the asparagus an unappetizing shade of grey.



Waiting for Superman...

What does it take for one person to change the world? How about not waiting and start doing.