Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Homeostasis Homework for 8/22 and 8/23

We are beginning to explore the meaning of homeostasis and how cells work together to help your body keep you alive. In fact, if you are interested in a career in medicine, you are essentially interested in the study of a body's ability or ,in the case of disease, inability to maintain homeostasis. Your next homework assignment for 8/22 and 8/23 is as follows:


1. (Overview) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxsviCkS40/
2. (Diabetes and Glucose Homeostasis) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqPeAMF60nE

Answer these questions and go through the practice exercises:
  1. What is homeostasis?
  2. Describe the reason for shivering.
  3. What is negative feedback?
  4. Why can homeostasis be compared to temperature regulation in a house?
  5. Describe how organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis. 

Important Vocabulary for this concept:

  • endocrine system: Organ system of glands that release hormones into the blood.
  • homeostasis: The process of maintaining a stable environment inside a cell or an entire organism.
  • hormone: a chemical messenger molecule
  • nervous system: Organ system that carries electrical messages throughout the body. 

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